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Schedule in October 2019The 50th Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Rehearsal for Fechner Day 2019 in Antalya, TurkeyDate and time: Friday, 11 October 2019, 13:30-17:00 ProgramPart I: Oral presentations1. Perceptual restoration of interrupted locally time-reversed speech: Effects of noise levels and segment duration 2. Auditory psychology and phonology 3. Pause duration influences impressions of English speech style rated by native and non-native speakers 4. Effects of Compressing or Stretching Mosaic Block Duration on Intelligibility of English Mosaic Speech Part II: Poster presentations1. Perception of music scales based on 31-tone equal temperament 2. Pre-speech development of Japanese-learning infants 3. How the perception of an initial consonant is influenced by the duration of the following vowel 4. The effect of sound modulation mode on perceived audiovisual congruency of pure tones and Gabor patches 5. Acoustic analysis of word- initial consonant clusters: a perceptual basis of English syllables
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