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Schedule in September 2016The 30th Perceptual Frontier SeminarDate and time: Thursday, 29 September 2016, 10:00-11:30 Program1. Analysis of temporal structure of English speech in public speaking presented by Japanese EFL Learners To investigate the role of pause duration in public speaking, we recorded 11 Japanese university students' speech in Fukuoka during an English speech contest. The pause durations in speech were semi-automatically extracted and measured by using a computer software 'praat'; the results showed that the pause coefficient variation value of the participants who got the high score in the competition was about 0.6, and the lower coefficient variation value the participant got, the higher evaluation they had. It is recommendable to find more objective index, such as the speech rate in syllables per minute which indicates an articulation rate, and a mean length of runs. 2. Verbal and non-verbal behaviors during public speaking performed by Irish university students The purpose of this study was to explore verbal and non-verbal behaviors of public speaking performances with Irish native English speakers. Speech rate, pauses, and gaze behavior were analyzed. The results will be discussed in this talk. 3. Try it in reverse! Different variants of reversed speech and their influence on the Irrelevant Speech Effect Locally time-reversing techniques are useful tools that realize systematic manipulation about not only speech intelligibility in general, but also patterns of prosody and phonetical information in speech recordings. In this pilot study different kinds of reversed speech (reversed, locally reversed, and reversed locally reversed speech) were used for testing the influence of patterns of prosody and phonetical information on the ‚Irrelevant Speech Effect‘, a phenomenon, which describes the disturbing influence of speech on the memory performance. The results will be presented and discussed. After the Seminar, we will go for lunch as well as a farewell party. |
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