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2014 年 1 月
日時:2014 年 1 月 9 日(木)午後/夕刻は懇親会 場所:九州大学大橋キャンパス 3 号館 2 階 321 教室 講師:足立浩平 教授(大阪大学人間科学研究科) 企画:坂田年男 教授(九州大学芸術工学研究院/応用知覚科学研究センター) 使用言語:日本語 講義予定
- 13:00-14:30 「多変量データ解析の諸方法」:行列どうしの和と積を解説した後,諸方法の基礎となる回帰モデルを導入する。その後,データ行列の低階数近似を行う主成分分析,および,これに独自因子の概念を付加した因子分析を解説する。最後に対象を分類するためのクラスター分析に言及する。
- 16:30-18:00 「入出力三相データの主成分分析」:入力(刺激)×出力(反応)×個体(人)の三相データに内在する構造を探るための主成分分析(PCA)は,[1] 二相化した配列のPCA, [2] Tucker2, [3] Tucker3, [4] Parafac, [5] 個体を平均したデータのPCAの5種に分類され,[1]から[5]に向かって制約が強くなるという階層関係があるが,[1]〜[5]のそれぞれを解説する。
- 2 回目の講義の最後に,5-10 分程度,質疑応答の時間を取っていただく予定です。
Date and time: Wednesday, 22 January 2014, 18:00-20:00 Venue: Room 601, 6 F, Build. 3, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University Talkers: Miharu FUYUNO, Emi HASUO, and Takako MITSUDO
1. Cognitive linguistics meets corpora: Examples of human spatial cognition reflected in English language Miharu FUYUNO* *Kyushu University This talk will discuss several examples from cognitive linguistic studies such as English spatial prepositions and constructions, after providing introductory descriptions of cognitive linguistics and corpus linguistics. Cognitive Linguistics has been developing as a descriptive framework for linguistic investigations with its central principal of analyzing languages as reflections of human cognitive abilities. In this talk, reflections of human spatial cognitions in uses of English prepositions (on, in, at) and related issues will be discussed as well as increasing applications of corpora in cognitive linguistic studies.
2. Perceived durations of filled and empty intervals measured with magnitude estimation Emi HASUO*, Kazuo UEDA*, Takuya KISHIDA*, Haruna FUJIHIRA*, Satoshi MORIMOTO*, Gerard B. REMIJN*, Kimio SHIRAISHI*, Shozo TOBIMATSU*, and Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA* *Kyushu University The purpose of this study was to examine whether the relationship between the perceived durations of a filled interval (the duration between the onset and the offset of a sustained sound) and an empty interval (the duration between the onsets of two successive brief sounds) differed for shorter and longer intervals. Subjective durations of filled and empty time intervals of 30, 49, 81, 134, 221, 364, and 600 ms were measured from 41 participants using magnitude estimation. Results showed that the subjective durations of filled intervals increased linearly as the duration lengthened, whereas those of empty intervals increased with a steeper slope for durations up to 134 ms than for longer durations (Data of a related experiment with electroencephalography may also be presented).
3. Perceptual inequality between two neighbouring time intervals defined by sound markers: correspondence between neurophysiological and psychological data Takako MITSUDO*, Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA*, Hiroshige TAKEICHI**, and Shozo TOBIMATSU* *Kyushu University, **RIKEN A slow negative component (SNCt) in the right pre-frontal brain area [around the F8 electrode in electroencephalographic (EEG) observations] after stimulus, which was found to be associated with judgment of the equality/inequality of two neighbouring time intervals (T1 and T2) in one of our previous studies, was further investigated. The SNCt appeared in the right-frontal area after the presentation of T1 and T2, and its magnitude was larger for the temporal patterns causing perceptual inequality; it was also correlated with perceptual equality/inequality of the same stimulus pattern. The SNCt turned out to continue up to about 400 ms after the end of T2, and was established as a signature of equality/inequality judgment as well as of inequality detection.
味覚・嗅覚センサ研究開発センター 設立記念シンポジウム
日時:2014 年 1 月 28 日(火)13:30-17:00 会場:九州大学伊都キャンパス,稲盛財団記念館 <http://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/access/index.php> 主催:味覚・嗅覚センサ研究開発センター,応用知覚科学研究センター
13:00 受付開始
13:30 味と匂いを目で見る 都甲 潔 主幹教授(九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院/味覚・嗅覚センサ研究開発センター長)
14:15 匂いの記号論,コーディング,匂いイメージセンサ 林 健司 教授(九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院)
14:45 味覚健康科学創成の研究戦略 二ノ宮裕三 教授(九州大学大学院歯学研究院)
15:15-15:30 休憩
15:30 応用知覚科学の構想 中島祥好 主幹教授(九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院/応用知覚科学研究センター長)
16:00 感覚・知覚研究のための計算知能:各センターの連携を求めて 高木英行 教授(九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院)
16:30 生理人類学からみた応用研究 綿貫茂喜 教授(九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院)
17:00 閉会